Principal’s Message…
Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh!
I pray this letter reaches you in the best of health and Eman. My name is Ahmed Salem and I have been appointed as the new principal at Islamic Academy of South Jersey. To give you a brief introduction about myself, I have been blessed to serve several Islamic schools both nationally and internationally for the past 30 years. It is my pleasure to join the team at IASJ and be part of the extraordinary things they have done and accomplished. The main reason I chose to be part of this community is to carry out the mission of the school and take the great work already done and established to the next level, InshaAllah.
One of the main things that we are going to implement, at a larger scale, in the school is technology. Since starting with the school, we have been working to introduce various programs and applications that the students and teachers can use to enhance instruction of the curriculum. During the unprecedented times that we are currently living, remote learning has called for a total transition to technology. Hence, these programs we will be implementing very soon, InshaAllah, will work on assisting the teacher at instruction and be a means of reinforcement to the lessons covered by the teacher.
We are all here for the students and would like to offer the best we can to them. In order to properly facilitate that, we would like to meet with you all to get to know you and get feedback from you. Due to the state restrictions amid this pandemic, we will be setting a tight and restricted schedule for parents to come and meet with me, InshaAllah. Please keep an eye on your inboxes for an e-mail with further details.
It is my pleasure to join the community of Egg Harbor Township and I look forward to meeting you all. May Allah allow us to be of benefit and allow us to offer the best means to our students.
Your Brother in Islam,
Dr. Ahmed Salem, Ph.D.